miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008

Barbie WATCH OUT! A aparut papusa Angelina Jolie!

Am descoperit intamplator site-ul lui Noel Cruz si am ramas impresionata dupa ce am vazut ce poate omul asta sa faca. Barbie este o papusa de duzina pe langa papusile facute de acest artist care stie sa reproduca la perfectie chipurile vedetelor.

Nu este de mirare ca cea mai bine vanduta papusa facuta de el, este cea care o reprezinta pe Angelina Jolie si care s-a vandut pe eBay cu 3.350$! Totusi si celelalte papusi sunt deosebite. Iata cateva alte exemple:


Tobey Maguire -Peter Parker in Spiderman

Orlando Bloom

Natalie Portman

Marilyn Monroe

Kirsten Dunst - MJ in Spiderman

Keira Knightley - Elizabeth Swann

Christopher Reeve - Superman

I accidentally discovered the site of Noel Cruz and I was so impressed after I saw what this man can do. Barbie is not a doll if we compare it with a doll made by this artist who knows how to reproduce a celebrity face. It is not surprising that the best sold doll made by him, is the one that represents Angelina Jolie. This doll was sold on eBay with $ 3.350! However the other dolls are special too.

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