Oricat de mult a insemnat pentru ea seria Harry Potter si oricati bani i-ar fi adus in cont, 10 milioane de lire mai exact, este clar ca visul oricarei tinere actrite din ziua de azi nu este sa ramana cunoscuta doar pentru ca a interpretat un rol timp de mai bine de sase ani! Poate daca ar fi jucat in “Tanar si Nelinistit” ar fi stat altfel lucrurile.
In realitate, Emma este hotarata sa se faca remarcata si pot sa spun ca a inceput cu dreptul. Actrita a fost omniprezenta anul aceasta la toate prezentarile de moda asa ca nu este de mirare ca tinutele ei de la orice eveniment au fost la inaltimea asteptarilor. Acest lucru nu a ramas neobservat astfel ca in iunie a semnat un contract cu casa de moda Chanel, in valoare de 3 milioane de lire, pentru a aparea in cateva reclame.
In plus, se zvoneste ca va deveni si imaginea parfumului Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, inlocuind o alta actrita: Keira Knightley!
Iata cele mai interesante 10 aparitii, ale tinerei actrite, din 2007 si 2008:
In iulie 2007 la premiera filmului "Harry Potter And The Order of Phoenix" din Londra
In iulie 2007 la premiera filmului "Harry Potter And The Order of Phoenix" din Paris
Rochia face parte din colectia Chanel couture toamna 2006
In februarie 2008 la un eveniment organizat de revista VanityFair
Rochia este din colectia primavara 2008 Burberry Prorsum
Rochia face parte din colectia William Tempest primavara 2009
In iulie 2008 la un eveniment monden, intr-o rochie Charles Anastase
In martie 2008 la Sony Ericsson Empire Film Awards
In octombrie 2008 la o expozitie de arta din Londra
Rochia este din colectia toamna 2008 DKNY
In septembrie 2008 la prezentarea colectie primavara/vara 2009, Christian Dior . Haina este Burberry Kentisbuy
In aprilie 2008, la o prezentare de moda Chanel
In iulie 2007 la o sedinta foto pentru promovarea filmului "Harry Potter And The Order of Phoenix" (in Paris)
The young actress had this year a spectacular evolution of style. It seems that she is decided to transform herself from "Hermione from Harry Potter" to "Emma, talented actress with style."
No matter how much „Harry Potter” meant to her and how much money brought into her account (10 million pounds) it is clear that the dream of any young actress today is not to be known only because one role she played for more than six years!
Maybe if she had played in "The young and the restless" she would be pleased with only that.
Emma was present at every important fashion shows this year so it is no wonder that she knew exactly what to wear.
In June she signed a contract with fashion house Chanel, worth 3 million pounds to appear in several commercials. In addition, she could also become the image of Chanel perfume Coco Mademoiselle, replacing another actress: Keira Knightley!
No matter how much „Harry Potter” meant to her and how much money brought into her account (10 million pounds) it is clear that the dream of any young actress today is not to be known only because one role she played for more than six years!
Maybe if she had played in "The young and the restless" she would be pleased with only that.
Emma was present at every important fashion shows this year so it is no wonder that she knew exactly what to wear.
In June she signed a contract with fashion house Chanel, worth 3 million pounds to appear in several commercials. In addition, she could also become the image of Chanel perfume Coco Mademoiselle, replacing another actress: Keira Knightley!
e draguta, dar nu are o proportionalitate intre corp si picioareare, acestea fiind cam scurte.