luni, 8 decembrie 2008

Dita Von Tesse: Simply Fabulous!

Frumoasa Dita a fost absenta in ultima luna de la evenimentele mondene si ce-i drept... ii cam simteam lipsa. Nu cred ca sunt singura care considera ca orice aparitie a ei este pur si simplu magnifica. Abia asteptam sa vad ce tinute mai poarta.

Dita a participat ca in fiecare an la Gala de sustinerea a cercetarilor in domeniul SIDA, amfAR, care a ajuns deja la cea de-a 10-a editie si care a avut loc in San Francisco. Ea a ales ca la acest eveniment sa fie o gheisa moderna, iar accesoriile au fost extrem de bine alese.

La sfarsitul saptamanii trecute Dita a participat si la British Comedy Awards unde s-a transformat intr-o minunata lebada. Ba chiar nu i-au lipsit nici penele.

Rochia face parte din colectia Marchesa primavara 2009.

Beautiful Dita was absent in the last month from fashion events and... I was starting to miss her. I don`t think I'm the only one who considers that she is simply magnificent.

Dita has participated each year at amfAR, a gala for AIDS research, which has already achieved the 10th edition, and took place in San Francisco. At this event she was a modern geisha, and she choose extremely well the accessories.

At the end of last week Dita also attended the British Comedy Awards where she turned into a beautiful swan. She even had feathers.

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